The Goblins Protocol: Liquidity Providers, Traders, Yield Farmers, and Stakers

The Goblins protocol encompasses Liquidity Providers, Traders, Yield Farmers, and Stakers. Each group plays a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem’s functionality and efficiency.

Liquidity Providers (LPs)

Liquidity Providers supply their crypto assets to facilitate trading within the Goblins protocol. By providing SEP-20 tokens to Goblins liquidity pools, they enable higher-volume trades with better pricing. In return, LPs earn a fee on every trade within the pool, distributed pro rata among all LPs in that pool.

Types of LPs:

  1. Passive LPs:
    • Objective: Token holders who invest their assets to earn trading fees, generating passive income.
    • Ideal for: Users looking to make their assets work for them without active management.
  2. Professional LPs:
    • Objective: Focus on market making as their primary strategy.
    • Tools: Utilize tools to track and manage their liquidity positions across various projects for optimal returns.
  3. DeFi Pioneers:
    • Objective: Engage in complex liquidity provision interactions, such as incentivized liquidity and using liquidity as collateral.
    • Innovative Strategies: The Goblins protocol is perfect for experimenting with these advanced strategies.
  4. Token Projects:
    • Objective: Sometimes become LPs to create a liquid market for their token.
    • Benefit: Ensures users can easily buy and sell the project’s tokens, enhancing market accessibility.


Traders use the Goblins protocol to swap one token for another. They can be categorized into several types:

  1. Speculators:
    • Objective: Use various community tools and products to swap tokens based on market movements and trends.
  2. Arbitrage Bots:
    • Objective: Automated bots that compare prices across different platforms to find and exploit competitive advantages.
    • Benefit: Help maintain fair and equal pricing across markets.
  3. dApp Users:
    • Objective: Buy tokens from the Goblins protocol to trade in other decentralized applications on the Ethereum network.
  4. Smart Contracts:
    • Objective: Execute trades on the protocol through swap functionality, including DEX aggregators and custom Solidity scripts.

Yield Farmers

The Goblins protocol offers yield farming opportunities, allowing users to provide liquidity to specific pools and earn additional rewards. Yield farming incentivizes users to contribute to the liquidity of less liquid token pairs, enhancing overall market efficiency.


Users can stake their GOB tokens within the Goblins protocol to earn rewards. Staking involves locking up GOB tokens, which helps secure the network and provides liquidity. Stakers earn rewards in WBCH, which can be claimed or reinvested into Goblin farms.


The Goblins ecosystem is a dynamic and decentralized platform supporting liquidity providers and traders. By utilizing liquidity pools and an automated market maker, the protocol enables efficient and permissionless token swaps. Yield farming and staking provide additional opportunities for users to earn rewards and contribute to the network’s stability. Understanding the roles and strategies of LPs and traders, along with the benefits of yield farming and staking, allows users to maximize their participation and returns within the Goblins ecosystem.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  1. Security and Risk Management:
    • Smart Contracts: Ensure the smart contracts you interact with are audited and secure.
    • Impermanent Loss: Be aware of the risk of impermanent loss when providing liquidity.
  2. Maximizing Returns:
    • Active Monitoring: Regularly monitor your liquidity positions and staking rewards.
    • Diversification: Diversify your investments across different pools and strategies to spread risk.
  3. Community Engagement:
    • Stay Updated: Follow Goblins community updates and participate in discussions.
    • Feedback: Provide feedback to help improve the protocol and its features.

By leveraging these strategies and staying informed, users can effectively navigate the Goblins ecosystem and maximize their benefits from participating in decentralized finance.