What is WBCH Podcast

Understanding WBCH: Wrapped Bitcoin Cash in the Goblins Ecosystem

WBCH stands for Wrapped Bitcoin Cash. It is a tokenized representation of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) on the Goblins platform. This token enables BCH holders to engage with the Goblins ecosystem and utilize various decentralized finance (DeFi) features available within it.

Key Benefits of WBCH

  1. Interoperability:
    • Ecosystem Participation: WBCH allows BCH holders to interact seamlessly within the Goblins ecosystem, enabling participation in activities such as trading, yield farming, and staking.
    • Token Compatibility: By wrapping BCH into WBCH, users can take advantage of the full suite of DeFi tools and applications that support the SEP-20 token standard on the smartBCH network.
  2. Enhanced Utility:
    • Liquidity Provision: This token can be provided as liquidity in various pools on the Goblins platform, earning fees and rewards for liquidity providers.
    • Collateral Usage: This token can be used as collateral in lending and borrowing platforms, enhancing its utility within the DeFi space.
  3. Seamless Transactions:
    • Smooth Swapping: WBCH facilitates smooth and efficient swapping with other tokens within the Goblins ecosystem, leveraging the benefits of decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
    • Transaction Efficiency: Wrapped tokens like WBCH often benefit from faster transaction times and lower gas fees compared to their native blockchain transactions.

How WBCH Works

  • Tokenization Process: BCH is wrapped into WBCH through a tokenization process where BCH is locked in a smart contract, and an equivalent amount of WBCH is minted. This ensures that each WBCH is backed 1:1 by BCH.
  • Redeeming WBCH: Users can unwrap this token back into BCH by reversing the tokenization process. This involves burning WBCH and releasing the equivalent amount of BCH from the smart contract.

Tips and Considerations

  1. Security Measures:
    • Smart Contract Risks: Be aware of the smart contract risks involved in wrapping and unwrapping tokens. Ensure that the platform you are using has been audited and is secure.
    • Private Keys: Always keep your private keys secure and never share them with anyone. Use hardware wallets for enhanced security.
  2. Stay Updated:
    • Platform Announcements: Keep an eye on announcements and updates from the Goblins platform regarding any changes or improvements to WBCH and its functionalities.
    • Network Developments: Stay informed about developments in the smartBCH network to understand how they might impact WBCH and its use cases.
  3. Liquidity Strategies:
    • Yield Farming: Consider providing this token as liquidity in yield farming pools to earn additional rewards. Assess the pool’s performance and risks before committing your tokens.
    • Diversification: Diversify your holdings and liquidity provision across multiple pools and platforms to spread risk and maximize potential returns.
  4. Transaction Fees:
    • Cost Management: Monitor transaction fees and gas prices on the smartBCH network to optimize the timing of your transactions. Lower fees can help maximize your net returns from DeFi activities.


WBCH (Wrapped Bitcoin Cash) plays a crucial role in enabling BCH holders to fully participate in the Goblins ecosystem. By providing interoperability, enhanced utility, and seamless transaction capabilities, this token opens up a range of opportunities within the DeFi space. Stay informed, manage risks, and leverage WBCH to maximize your engagement and benefits within the Goblins platform.