The Goblins Ecosystem: Decentralized Trading, Yield Farming, and Staking

The Goblins Ecosystem enables cryptocurrency trades without relying on a centralized intermediary. It achieves this through decentralization, liquidity pools, and an automated market maker (AMM).

Decentralized Exchange


  • Open-Source and Peer-to-Peer: The Goblins Ecosystem operates as an open-source, peer-to-peer decentralized exchange on the smartBCH blockchain.
  • Immutable and Secure: Leveraging immutable, persistent, non-upgradable smart contracts, it ensures censorship resistance, security, and self-custody.

Public Access

Liquidity Pools

Liquidity Pools

  • Token Pair Collections: Liquidity pools are collections of token pairs stored in Goblins pool contracts, enabling users to swap tokens within the pool.
  • User-Funded: These pools are funded by users who provide token pairs, creating market liquidity.

Incentives for Providers

  • Earning Fees: Liquidity providers earn a share of the fees generated by trades within the pool, making it an attractive option for users looking to earn passive income from their token holdings.

Automated Market Maker (AMM)

Automated Market Maker

  • Smart Contract Management: The AMM is a smart contract that manages liquidity pools, facilitating automated and permissionless token swaps.
  • Constant Function Market Maker: Known as a Constant Function Market Maker, the AMM adjusts token prices based on supply and demand within the liquidity pool.
  • Order Book Elimination: This system eliminates the need for a traditional order book used by centralized exchanges, allowing users to interact directly with the liquidity pool.

Yield Farming

Weekly Pool Yield Farming

  • Incentive Rewards: The Goblins Ecosystem offers weekly pool yield farming opportunities. Users can provide liquidity to specific pools and earn additional rewards in the form of GOB tokens.
  • Market Efficiency: Yield farming incentivizes users to contribute to the liquidity of less liquid token pairs, enhancing overall market efficiency.

Tips for Yield Farming

  1. Research Pools: Choose pools with high trading volumes and attractive reward rates.
  2. Monitor Returns: Regularly check your yield farming returns and adjust your strategy as needed.
  3. Diversify: Spread your investments across multiple pools to mitigate risk.


Staking GOB Tokens

  • Locking Up Tokens: Users can stake their GOB tokens within the Goblins Ecosystem to earn rewards. Staking involves locking up GOB tokens, which helps secure the network and provides liquidity.

wBCH Rewards

  • Earn Wrapped Bitcoin Cash: Stakers are rewarded with wBCH (wrapped Bitcoin Cash) for their participation. Rewards are distributed based on the amount of GOB staked and the duration of the staking period.

Tips for Staking

  1. Understand Lock-Up Periods: Be aware of the staking duration and any potential penalties for early withdrawal.
  2. Calculate Potential Rewards: Estimate the rewards based on the staking amount and compare them with other investment opportunities.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep up with ecosystem updates that might affect staking rewards or requirements.


The Goblins Ecosystemprovides a decentralized, secure, and open platform for cryptocurrency trading. By leveraging liquidity pools and an automated market maker, it enables efficient and permissionless token swaps. Additionally, users can participate in yield farming and staking to earn extra rewards, making the Goblins Ecosystem a comprehensive solution for decentralized finance activities. Always conduct thorough research and stay informed to maximize your participation benefits.